Five Key Concerns of the Affluent Investor

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We use a comprehensive process to help our clients address each of the five key concerns: making smart decisions about their money, mitigating their taxes, taking care of heirs, making sure their assets are not unjustly taken, and magnifying their charitable gifts.  We work with a network of professional advisors to help our clients pursue everything that is most important to them.


1.  Risk Mitigation

Despite one's wealth, investors are not immune to financial setbacks.  Often, families are faced with unforeseen financial problems caused by a premature death, long-term disability, medical expenses, or the need for long-term care.  We'll assess your particular risks and recommend strategies to potentially mitigate them.


2.  Wealth Generation

A key element to developing wealth generation is focusing on tax mitigation – putting strategies in place in an effort to minimize taxes on your investment returns while seeking to ensure the cash flow you need.

We have seen that mitigating income taxes is one of the major financial concerns for the majority of affluent individuals and families.  Mitigating estate taxes and capital gains taxes may also rank high on your list of concerns.  As your financial advisors, we work with your tax professionals to help you better understand your family's potential tax ramifications so that you can plan accordingly.


3.  Wealth Transfer

Effective wealth transfer is all about taking care of heirs – finding and facilitating the most tax-efficient way to pass assets to loved ones in ways that align with your wishes with minimal difficulty and cost.

Given the fluid nature of today's tax environment, affluent families need to be proactive in their wealth transfer planning efforts if they truly want their wealth to benefit their heirs to the fullest extent possible.  We want to help you do so.


4.  Asset Protection 

This includes all concerns about protecting your wealth against catastrophic loss, potential creditors, litigants, children's spouses and potential ex-spouses, and identity thieves.  In short, ensuring that your assets are not unjustly taken.

Many affluent individuals are worried about being sued – not surprising, given how litigious our culture has become.  As your financial advisors, we will likely need to address mitigating risks through business processes and buy-sell agreements, as well as restructuring various assets and considering legal forms of ownership, such as trusts and limited liability entities.  This is designed to help put your wealth beyond the reach of creditors and other parties who may seek to take it.


5.  Charitable Giving

Many affluent individuals are looking outward beyond their own families to the world at large. For these people, making meaningful gifts to charity is a key issue.

Charitable giving comes with its own unique set of challenges, from selecting the appropriate means of giving (such as direct gifts, donor-advised funds, or private family foundations) to selecting causes and specific organizations.  As your financial advisors, we will help you navigate the charitable planning process.

By effectively addressing risk mitigation, wealth generation, wealth transfer, asset protection, and charitable giving, our focused services are structured to become the bedrock of our value to you.